Creative Causes from Zip 37406

One of our most active community partners in Chattanooga, Causeway, recently highlighted our neighborhood (in the 37406 zip code), as the source of the highest concentration of fresh, powerful ideas making an impact through funding and support from Causeway’s classes, programs, and events.

Several of our Glass Street artists and neighborhood friends have had causes funded through Causeway including Nikki Lewis, Rondell Crier, and one of our close community partner, Dr. Hardaway.

One of the proudest responses we receive when visitors and neighbors join together for any of our community programs or ventures, is how impressive our neighbors and youth are with quickly improvising with new ideas. Our neighborhood youth are especially eager to step up and push the creative envelope, as partners like Magic Markers film camp seek to empower and highlight at the screenings of young film-makers’ work. Come on out to their screening tonight at 5pm and sample some of our local creativity on display.

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