Young Americans

What does it mean to be an American in the 21st century? Young Americans, by Atlanta-based artist Sheila Pree Bright, is a series of self-constructed portraits of Generation Y ages 18 to 25.

These individuals posed with and used the American flag as a platform to present themselves and voice their opinions about their country. The series began in the fall of 2006 and illuminates the attitudes and beliefs of young adults, encouraging viewers to look closely at the individuals who will shape the future of our world. Whether born in America or migrating from other countries, these ethnically diverse, politically engaged young people express a great sense of pride in their country. Yet they are still questioning: “What does it mean to be an American in the 21st century?”

In the summer of 2012, Bright was among 26 national and international female artist that were chosen to create murals across the Atlanta landscape as part of the Living Wall Conference. Bright took the Young Americans series beyond the museum and showcased her work within the communities by wheat pasting them on buildings. The project received local and national attention. After Atlanta, was Miami, and next came…Glass Street.

5 murals installed on Glass Street

Youtube Video 

View the artist statement and learn more here.

Photo Credit, Young Americans series courtesy of the artist.