Why I Took the LAUNCH Business Class on Glass Street (and you should too)

After living away from Chattanooga for some years, I returned to the area broke without direction.

I had a lot of ideas floating around in my head and didn’t know how to make sense of them. Since most of them involved some sort of business, I figured the Launch class was a good place to start.

On the first day of class, we went around the room and shared our vision for Glass Street and our preliminary business ideas. I was worried – the idea I wanted to develop wasn’t just for Glass Street, it was for all of Chattanooga. And while Glass Street would ultimately benefit from my business idea, I felt a tad bit selfish. I almost decided to withdraw from the class, but the enthusiasm of my classmates kept me going. They had a common vision – to see the street, and ultimately Chattanooga, succeed.

I’m glad I didn’t withdraw. The group encouraged my idea and opened my eyes to more possibilities. As each class went, I learned more, not only on how to start a business but also how to become a vital part of a community. Through the class, my idea fully shaped into a workable business plan and gave me the confidence to apply for funding. While I’m not sure what the future holds for my idea, I do feel like I have the ability and resources to make anything possible here.
More importantly, I gained a group of supportive community members friends who are ready to make awesome things happen on Glass Street…together.

The next round of classes started last Thursday. We have a great group of folks enrolled in the class and look forward to hearing their business ideas.

post written by: Jennifer Holder

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